Tuesday, 20 May 2008

2oth May- Residency day 13.

We hired a van and drove hundreds of miles to collect the thatch. We journeyed from Worcestershire to Devon. On the way we saw a concrete football- a Yoke and Zoom legend.

When we had collected the thatch from near the Blackdown Hills, we headed back up the M5, up to the Black Country where we dropped it off into our studio(above).

Headed back to Worcestershire to get home for our tea.

*During our residency we have have spotted two local shops that have a Tudor title. Tudor Hardware and Tudor Employment.

Monday, 19 May 2008

19th May- Residency Day 12

The gallery is closed on a Monday, so we get to do alot of our practical work. Sanding the floor and trying to strip carpet tape of the interior walls, the cottage stank of white spirit, it was a bit intense in there all day.

Thinking about coupling and the male/female aspect of the mobile cottage and its tow vehicle.

We found a great manual that has some really good illustrations from the eighties, all about caravans-

Happy camper.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

13th May- Residency day 11

Had a research day.

Drew a picture of a caravan with wings like pegasus. Thats how we felt in the bluebird when we got together all those years ago, before the fire. Before we became Yoke and Zoom. Levitation.

Read up on Durer and Marcus Coates in the library.

Ordered the thatch for the roof.

Won 15.00 on a scratch card. That paid for lunch.

Overnight one of the faux beams has come off, working out what is the best way to do this.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

12th May 2008. Day 10

Yesterday, we found 35 four leaf clovers in our local park.

Today was our first day of practical work on the trailer- The technicians vhave made a lattice frame for the thatch roof. Its a big weight of my mind.

We sanded the floorboards in the cottage and put up two beams- one of which fell off overnight. The No More Nails isnt working on the cottage walls. We are thinking of different methods. It is difficult working on a project in such an open space over a period of time, we are showing the work at every unfinished stage. There is not the comfort of being able to make mistakes in private. The public foyer is now our workshop and we are very aware of the mess we make and how we have to tone down our behavior-

In the interior we are going to produce a cottage survival kit, including guest book, toilet roll, spade, teabags, coffee, water butt, and all other essentials needed when using the cottage.

When we got home I (Zoom) had a headache from using a sander all day whilst standing on the floorboards i was sanding, it was like using a pnuematic drill.

Friday, 9 May 2008

7th May- Residency day 9.

Alex found 20p on the floor in Woolworths, then 1p on the floor by the New Art Gallery, Walsall- thats 21 days good luck.

Realised we had left the gas bottle in the cottage- so got that shifted quick!

Decided to make a shelter kit for occupants of the cottage to use.

We have already started booking where it will be touring, ideas include taking it to Vienna towed behind a space shuttle, andvisiting the grounds of a stately home during the meadow galleries Shelter show, next year.

May 6th 2008- Residency day 8

Bank holiday- so we had the day off.