Tuesday 29 April 2008

29th April- Residency day 6.

Late last night, I asked Alex if he thought the gallery would let us cook a fry up in the caravan while it is parked in the foyer, but he didnt hear me because he had fallen asleep.I love the idea of it though, maybe we could actually take up residence.

We both went into Walsall today,it was very interesting to see the cottage in such a new environment.

The mock half-timber beams have arrived as well. We spent the day working out if we have ordered enough, as we have made some adjustments to our original design.

It feels very small inside the caravan when it is inside the gallery, like being in a dolls house.You also feel a sense of privacy in a very public environment, like hiding in public space.

I have been thinking more about the roof, i would prefer to use plastic thatch because it will be more conceptually inline with the project, this is something we have to decide fast, so that we can order and build the structure.

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