Monday 30 June 2008

30th June 2008. Residency day 26

Today really was to tie up loose ends. The cushions fit perfectly, the inside is looking smart. I cant believe it compared to the way it was last summer when we slept in it. Then there was bad fitting foam cushions to make up the bed, they used to stick to the old carpet tape on the wall and rip. Now, it is looking so homely.But, it also feels so kind of over cutesy. So olde English.

Went out bought the jam and cream and ingredients for scones.Fixed thatch bundles to the roof, painted the gables black, attached the window box. Sorted insurance, bought a hairnet and new baking trays.

We are going to make our cottage into a public space. We have decided to organise the tea party in a speed dating fashion, so with one minute changeovers, we can have 10 pairs visiting the cottage an hour, 5 minutes each inside with tea and scones. Thats 20 scones per hour.

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